- Type of startup : Life Sciences
- Date of entry : 16/02/2021
- Associated laboratory(ies) : INSERM U1030 - Université Paris XI, à l'Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy
- See the website
Tarian Pharma has created a proprietary formulation platform and specifically designed products for their optimal use on different body regions (breast, face, scalp, palms or soles) to prevent or treat localized skin toxicities resulting from cancer treatments.
Over a period of two years, Tarian Pharma generated and tested more than 150 formulation prototypes. The lead candidate, TAR-0520, was selected for further development based on the results obtained in clinical pharmacology experiments in healthy volunteers. Its evaluation in a rodent PK and toxicology study was conducted in S1 2021 without identifying any local or systemic issue. This study completed the toxicology package needed to support the initiation of a first study in cancer patients. TAR-0520 with its highly differentiated formula, outperformed all reference products in our pharmacology experiments. It is protected by several patents filed by Tarian Pharma in February 2021.
The patentability has been confirmed in the research reports issued by the end of 2021 , and the PCT procedure started in February 2022.