Tools and methods

In addition to exchanges between new and experienced entrepreneurs, and the experience acquired by the startup advisors in contact with them, the incubator mobilizes tools and methods that help entrepreneurs progress in uncertain economic environments, manage risks and move forward more efficiently. The incubator’s startup advisors are constantly on the lookout, are regularly trained while remaining nimble. They have at their disposal a range of methods and tools from which they draw depending on the needs identified with and for the entrepreneurs. The main ones are presented below.


This entity facilitates the recruitment of an employee into a new activity within a company, with the help of the CNAM and supported by the Regional Council.

French Tech Seed

French Tech Seed doubles as a pre-seed equity investment thanks to funds coming from BPIFrance. The incubator is the leader of the FrenchTech Seed Paca-Est prescriber for the Alpes Maritimes and the Var.


It is an entity that provides step-by-step tools to guide the entrepreneur in the choice of his priority market segment (Seedtrack) and until the signature of his/her first customer (Launchtrack).


Tamdem seeks to identify key people to partner with in the creation of a complementary team alongside project leaders, in line with BPIFrance’s DeepTech Tank approach.


Vianeo is a tool and platform designed to help define a path to market using an effectual approach. The incubator team is certified by Vianeo.


F.A.I.R.E synchronizes the skills, experiences, roles and projections of the entrepreneur and also identifies the complements to be found among the entrepreneurial teams. The team is certified by Epigo.

ISMA 360°. Strategic marketing of innovation

This methodoly guides innovators in identifying their potential markets, exploring value chains and positioning, and interacting with customers and partners even before the definition of the product. It is the result of the work of Dominique VIAN, Professor and researcher at SKEMA Business school.

i-PhD, i-Lab Innovation
Competitive Contests

The incubator prepares entrepreneurs for the prestigious National Innovation Prizes granted by the MESR and BPIFrance, i-PhD and i-Lab.

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