• Type of startup : Science of engineering
  • Date of entry : 21/05/2018
  • Date of exit : 21/05/2020
  • Associated laboratory(ies) : CRHEA CNRS
  • See the website

EasyGaN is a startup providing epitaxy solutions for an easy access to the GaN-on-silicon technology. Located in Sophia Antipolis, EasyGaN is a spin-off of CRHEA-CNRS, an internationally recognised research center with 20+ years of experience in the epitaxial growth of GaN.

EasyGaN relies on original molecular beam epitaxy techniques to circumvent such issues and offer you a broad range of innovating solutions with striking benefits:

  • Easy access to state-of-the art GaN-on-Si technology
  • MOCVD-compatible solutions from epiready templates to full epiwafer stacks.
  • High material quality, reproducibility and yield ensured by the unique advantages of molecular beam epitaxy.
  • Proprietary solutions bypass existing intellectual property and offer you an alternative path to GaN-on-Si.
  • Dedicated solutions for your GaN devices in the fields of optoelectronics, electronics and beyond.