- Type of startup : Science of engineering
- Date of entry : 13/05/2013
- Date of exit : 12/05/2015
- See the website
F-Reg was born out of the recurring problems encountered by Emmanuel and Thierry, the company’s co-founders, in the course of their professional activities.
They have more than 20 years’ experience in the water sector: as urban hydraulics engineers in design offices and local authorities, and as network operators.
How can we manage run-off despite the necessary and constant sealing of our territories? And how can we optimise the operation of sewage networks that become saturated and overflow during rainfall?
The technology has been developed along two main lines:
- Controlling flooding and reducing stormwater pollution by using the available volume of the networks to regulate run-off during rainy weather, freeing up land.
- Prevent clogging of stormwater and retention basins to ensure the long-term operation of the wastewater system while minimising maintenance.
Our self-contained hydrodynamic valve, a unique concept on the market, offers a modern approach to managing urban wastewater systems.