- Date of entry : 18/12/2024
- Associated laboratory(ies) : Centre de mise en forme des matériaux (CEMEF), centre de recherche Mines Paris & UMR CNRS, Sophia Antipolis.
- See the website
WaveNRG is a new company specializing in marine renewable energy, dedicated to the design and manufacturing of floating tidal turbines to harness the predictable and reliable energy of tides. This energy, complementary to other renewable sources, is as regular as the movement of the moon around the Earth.
In Europe, the United Kingdom and France have the greatest tidal energy potential, enabling France to strengthen its international leadership in marine energy with a global tidal market valued at more than 300 billion euros.
WaveNRG’s floating tidal turbines, easy to install and maintain, achieve a record-breaking power of 4 MW thanks to their vertical-axis system, while minimizing the impact on the marine environment. In 2025-2026, the team will operate a full-scale demonstrator at sea under real operational conditions to supply electricity to the grid. The WaveNRG team develops its expertise and manages its operations from Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.